We do not have the ability to add charges to an order once it has been placed. If a customer puts a request in the special instructions field that requires an additional charge please give our support team a call at 888-707-2469.

Together we can work on adding the diner’s request to your menu so that the diner will have the option of adding the chargeable item the next time they order. After we have added the option to your menu we have two options.

We can leave the diner’s order alone and they will get their special instructions request at no extra charge. Or we can cancel the order entirely and ask the customer to re-place the order.

Alternatively, if it is a pickup order you can call the customer directly and let them know the exact amount of the additional charge they will need to pay in store. If the customer does not want to pay the additional charge when they arrive you can advise them that you can make their food without the special instructions request or you can cancel the order entirely and they will be fully refunded.

We hope that helps! If you still need assistance try searching again or chat with someone on the Support Team below.