We Help Restaurants Thrive

For over a decade, we’ve been building tech for food people, so restaurant owners can save money, staff members can save time, and diners can order better.

Because when restaurants thrive, they can keep serving food that gives your community its unique flavor. We want to keep it that way.

Fare Should
be Fair

With the rise of online ordering, restaurants faced a new foe: commission fees. Apps began charging restaurants up to 40% commissions on every order, leaving them with two options: lose money or charge diners more. We’ll never be like those apps.

We Keep Kitchens Cooking

ChowNow will always be fair, transparent, and supportive of restaurants. That’s why we’re 100% commission-free, so shops can serve diners online without hurting their bottom line. It’s also why our impact continues to grow today.

22000Restaurant Partners  

New shops, classic storefronts, and growing brands. Today we work with all kinds of independent restaurants all across the US.

$650M+ Commissions Saved  

Every day with every order, our total savings grow. That gives restaurants more money to hire staff, add menu items, and more.

500+ Years Experience  

From back-of-house to hosting and everything in between. We worked in the industry, so we know how the industry works.

“Before ChowNow, restaurants had no choice but to join marketplaces that poach their profits and their customers, so we built a platform that’s better for everyone.”
Chris Webb, Founder & Chairman of the Board
Eat Independent