Turning off the Toast integration requires two steps:

  • Pause the integration on the ChowNow Dashboard
  • Deleting the integration on the Toast Dashboard

ChowNow Dashboard Steps:
1. Navigate to dashboard.chownow.com, and select the location you would like to disable.

2. Click “Settings” then (3) “Integrations”, and then (4) Active.

5. Click “Pause Integration”

Toast Dashboard Steps:
1. Navigate to the Toast Configure Integrations page. Verify that the correct location is selected in the top left corner.

2. Click the trash icon next to the ChowNow integration.

3. Finalize this action by clicking “Save”

When both steps are complete, you have successfully disabled the Toast Integration. Repeat these steps for any additional locations.

We hope that helps! If you still need assistance try searching again or chat with someone on the Support Team below.