Guides + Tutorials
Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I manage order volume with order throttling settings?
Ensure that ChowNow orders do not exceed your kitchen’s ability to fulfill tickets on time by staggering orders with Order Throttling. ChowNow’s Order Throttling feature is easy to set up and will ensure that your staff is able to fulfill orders in a timely manner. How it works: ChowNow can limit the amount of orders…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I enable order throttling?
Learn how to enable Order Throttling. First, before turning on order throttling, be sure to check out this support article to learn more about how order throttling works and to determine if your restaurant is a good fit for this feature. Turning on order throttling is easy. 1) Navigate to, and sign in, if…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I adjust the ‘ready to pickup’ time for incoming orders?
If your restaurant uses the ChowNow Tablet to receive incoming orders, the tablet will ask for the ‘ready to pickup’ time on every single order. If your restaurant has enabled Square POS integration, every order will be automatically accepted using a preset time. You can adjust this time on the ChowNow Dashboard if needed. If…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I disable the Toast POS integration?
Turning off the Toast integration requires two steps: Pause the integration on the ChowNow Dashboard Deleting the integration on the Toast Dashboard ChowNow Dashboard Steps: 1. Navigate to, and select the location you would like to disable. 2. Click “Settings” then (3) “Integrations”, and then (4) Active. 5. Click “Pause Integration” Toast Dashboard Steps:…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I adjust the preparation or lead time for future orders?
You can tailor your Order Ahead settings to work for your restaurant and your customers. The following steps will show you how to configure: Preparation Time Advanced Orders Window Large Order Ahead Time Preparation Time If diners are selecting pick up times that are too soon, you can adjust when the next available time window…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I set up a legacy Toast integration with ChowNow?
After working with your Account Coordinator or Restaurant Success Manager to enable the Toast POS integration, follow the below steps. In This Article: Adding the ChowNow Integration Group ID and Location ID Configuring the Toast Dashboard Dining Options Financial Setup Service Charges Discounts Revenue Center Link Your Location Transferring and Scheduling Toast Menus Sending Orders…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I get ready for the Toast Integration upgrade?
After the upgrade is complete, all settings involving menus and schedules will come directly from Toast. By confirming these settings, you’ll ensure a smooth and easy upgrade. In This Article: Availability Channel Visibility Delivery Hours Adding Photos Availability You’ll need to repeat these steps for every menu you would like to display on ChowNow. 1)…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I accept orders on the Dashboard?
Accepting an order lets the diner know when the order will be ready to pickup. Video Overview Step by Step Instructions Navigate to the ChowNow Dashboard. Click the button “Headquarters” then select the location. New orders will have the status of “New”, click on the order number to view the order details. Click the “Accept…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
What do I do if I shut down my restaurant early or for a holiday?
In the ChowNow Dashboard, you have the power to set up a current or future temporary closure for any holidays. Video Overview: Step by Step Instructions: 1. Login to the ChowNow Dashboard at 2. Click “Headquarters” then click on the location. 3. Click on “Hours” on the left side of the screen, then select…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
How do I update my business hours?
You can add and edit your business and delivery hours from the ChowNow Dashboard. Video Overview: Step by Step Instructions: 1. Login to the ChowNow Dashboard at 2. Click on “Headquarters” on the left side of the screen, then click on the name of your location. 3. Click on “Hours”, then “Edit Schedule” on…
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Guides + Tutorials / Using the ChowNow Dashboard
Where can I see my current and previous orders?
You are able to view all orders on the ChowNow Dashboard. Video Overview: Step by Step Instructions: 1. Login to the ChowNow Dashboard. 2. By default, you will be directed to the “Headquarters” page, and will be able to see orders from all locations. 3. Click on “All Orders” to filter by status. 4. You…
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