Why am I getting an error message when I try to upload my menu photo?
Find solutions to common error messages related to menu photos.
Here are the technical guidelines for photos:
Photo must be 1200 x 1200
This means either the height and / or width of your photo doesn’t meet our minimum requirement of 1200 pixels. In this case, the best thing to do is to try using a different photo that has a bigger height and / or width that meets the requirements.
- On a Mac, you can check the dimensions of a photo file by right clicking (or Ctrl+Click) on the file and selecting “Get Info.” Then you can look for “Dimension” and check the number of pixels there.
- On Windows, right click on the file, select “Properties” and select the “Details” tab.
We require a minimum of 1200 x 1200 pixels in order to ensure that your menu photos will look great on all web and mobile devices.
Photo must be less than 10 MB
This means that your photo file size is too large. You can usually see the file size of a photo right next to the item information on your computer.
You can try a few things to make the image smaller:
- If you worked with a photographer or have someone who can edit your photos, ask them to resize any menu photos greater than 10MB to be smaller.
- If there is excess space around the featured item in the menu photo, then you can also try making a copy of the image and cropping the image down to a square shape to see if that reduces some of the file size.
We hope that helps! If you still need assistance try searching again or chat with someone on the Support Team below.